Friday, November 29, 2019

Mountains Information and Facts | National Geographic

                  The relief feature of the continents are not the same everywhere. This is so because the lithosphere is divided into a series of plates that fit together like the pieces of a jigsaw puzzle.There are three major relief features that characterize the continents mountains, plateaus, Plains. In today's topic, We will discuss only about the mountain. Read and share this article and yes tell me in the comment if it was helpful for you.Hello, I am Vinay , Let's learn something new :- 

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                Mountains are land forms that are  raised steeply, forming peaks, above the surrounding land. Most mountains are formed as a result of earth movements - folding, faulting, or volcanic eruptions. All mountains are marked by a landmass considerably higher than the neighboring areas. They often occur in long chains called ranges. A number of mountain ranges are known as mountain chains; and a group of mountains chains is called a mountains system. Mountains are the most thinly populated regions of the world, but they are immensely useful to humankind. The glaciers on the mountains become rives, which in turn, bring quantities of fertile alluvial soil to form deltas and plains. They also act as physical berries protecting the land ( Himalayas, for instance) are important for economic activities such as tourism and fruit cultivation's. There are three types of mountains that we are discussing below:

Fold Mountains :

Fold mountains are formed by the compressive movements of the Earth's lithospheric plates. Layers of rocks are pushed towards each other and are uplifted by folding to form fold mountains almost as a piece of paper folds when pushed together. The upward folds or ridges are known as anticlines, while the downward folds or valleys are called sync-lines.
Mountains, which were formed quite recently, within the last 40 million years, tend to be high and rugged. These include the Alps (Europe),The Himalayas ( India ), the Rockies (North America), and the Andes (in South America)
Older mountains which were formed 200-300 millions years ago, are known as old fold mountains. Mountains such as the Aravallis, the Western and Eastern Ghats, the Urals, the Appalachians, the Welsh and Scottish highlands are some examples of old fold mountains. These mountains have been worn down due to erosion by the natural forces of weather, running water and ice. They are no longer rising, and so they normally lower than the young fold mountains.

Block Mountains : 

Block mountains are formed when tectonic plate tensional movements push, squeeze, or release a plate, causing it to rise or fall. A plate is being lifted by being squeezed. A lifted section of rock like this is known as a horst. The Harz Mountains of Germany and the mountains ranges of Nevada and Utah in the USA are block mountains. Similarly, a rift valley or graben is formed when the land between the faults sinks down. 

Volcanic Mountains :   

Volcanic mountins are formed when hot molten rocks ( Magma ) deep within the Earth, erupts through openings or vents in the crust, and piles upon the surface. Magma is called lava when it breaks through the Earth's crust. When the ash and lava colls, it builds a cone of rock. Rock and lava pile up, layer upon layer often forming a mountain .
Some examples of volcanic mountains are Mt. Fuji Yama ( in Japan ), Mt Vesuvius ( in Italy ), and Mt Pelee ( in the Caribbean islands ). The only example of an active volcano in India is located in the Barren islands in the Andaman and Nicobar islands.