Sunday, December 1, 2019

GOVERNMENT | Definition, History, & Facts | Types

             The political system by which a country or community is administered and regulated. We can call it government. We mean the act of governing or exercising authority. It refers to the body that exercises ruling authority which controls the people of a state. The word government is derived from the Latin word gubernare which means 'to govern ' or 'to manage'. Let's pursue this topic, Hello, I am Vinay  Let's learn something new.

एक युद्ध ऐसा भी जहां 6 दिन में 8 देशों हो धूल चटा दी गयी : पढ़ने के लिए क्लिक करें 

             When human beings live and work together, there needs to some amount of organisation so that decisions can be made to ensure a smooth daily life. Some rules have to be made that apply to everyone.

              In a country, we need a set of people to make sure that day-to-day life goes on smoothly. The term 'government' refers to the political system by which a country is administered. A government works to fulfill the needs of the people and resolve their problems. It functions on behalf of the people of the country by exercising leadership, taking decisions, and implementing these decisions. Thus, a government functions to avoid disorder, anarchy and confusion in a country .


India is divided into 28 states and 9 union territories. The government in India functions at various levels - local, state, and central.

  • At the local level in cities, towns, villages, etc. It is known as the Local Self-government.
  • Every state has a government, Which is known as the State Government.
  • At the national level, there is the Central or Union Government which looks after the governance of the entire country. It is the highest level of government, which functions at the national level.  
Each level of government has a separate set of powers and can take decisions pertaining to that level. We will now read about some functions of the government. 

  • Maintenance of Law and Order
  • Defence of the Country
  • Programmes to Deal with Socio-Economic Problems
  • Provision of Health Services
  • Provision for Education of the People 
  • Rescue Operations
  • Ensuring Economic Stability 
  • Provision for Easy Movement of Goods and People 
  • Ensuring Justice to the People

          At the national level, laws are made by the Parliament, which consists of two houses- the Lok Sabha and the Rajya Sabha ( Union Legislature). Its members, called Members of Parliament ( MPs), make laws that appl to the entire nation. 
          Every state in India has its separate legislature known as the State Legislature. A State Legislature consists of a legislative Assembly ( Vidhan Sabha) and sometimes a Legislative Council (Vidhan Parishad). The Members of the legislative Assembley ( MLAs) make laws that are applicable to the people of that state only. 

          Making laws is not sufficient for good administrations. Laws need to be implemented. Just like the government has the power to enforce laws. Officially, India's Central Executive is headed by the President, while the real power is vested in the Prime Minister and his/her Council of Ministers. A State Executive is headed by a Governor. It is run by a Chief Minister and his/her Council of Ministers.

          A system of courts known as the Judiciary settles disputes and ensures that laws are implemented. For example, if people feel that a particular law made by the government is not being implemented or followed, they can move the court and get the law implemented. The court can give orders about what should be done. 
         Thus, we can say that the three organs of the government - the legislature, the Executive, and the Judiciary - Perform functions of the government.

            On the basis of the source of power of power ( who or what gives the government the power to make decisions and formulate laws) governments around the world can broadly by classified into three main types - Democracy, Monarchy and Dictatorship.

              The word 'democracy' is derived from the Greek words, demos, which means 'people' and kratos, which means 'rule'. In democracy, it is the people who give the government the power to make decisions. People do this through elections. In a democratic system, elections are periodic, i.e, people elect representatives after a fixed number of years. Each adult has the right to vote. At the time of elections, they vote for persons of their choice and these elected representatives forms the government.
              The biggest advantage of this system is that the government has to explain its activities and decisions to the people. If the people are not satisfied with the functioning of the government, they may not vote for their representative in the next elections.

             In a monarchy, the monarch or king/queen has the power to run the country. The king or the queen is the head of the government and has the power to take all important decisions. when the monarch dies, the power automatically passes - to the eldest child, who then becomes the monarch. 
            The biggest disadvantage of this system is that the people have no right to choose their ruler. They also do not enjoy the power and freedom to question the policies of the government. 

          When one person heads the government and governs on the basis of his/her own wishes, without paying any attention to the wishes and needs of the people, it is called an authoritarian government or dictatorship. In this type of absolute power and his/her word is law. It is an undesirable form of government, where people sometimes have to face hardships due to the whims of the dictator . Germany, under Adolf Hitler, was under dictatorship.  
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