Wednesday, April 15, 2020


Abnormal and uncontrolled growth due to uncontrolled division of cells known as cancer cells, that invade and destroy the surrounding tissues.cancer cells do not remain confined to one part of the body and penetrate and infiltrate into the adjoining tissue and discuss their functions. some of the cancer cells get detached from the main site of origin and travel by blood and lymph two sites distant from the original tumor and from fresh colonies, called metastasis or secondary growth.cell which undergo rapid abnormal and uncontrolled growth are cal led neoplastic cells. the growth resulting from the division of such cells are called as neoplastic growths or tumors. 

Bacterial Diseases In Humans


             Dear students इस लेख में मैंने   बैक्टीरिया/जीवाणु  तथा उससे होने वाले रोगों  को समझाया है। इस लेख को पढ़ें और share करें और ह...

Tumors are commonly classified as :

 Bening tumours : 

Abnormal and persistent cell division that remains localised at the spot of origin results in the benign tumors. In some cases it can be fatal.

 Malignant tumor : 

It first grow slowly and this state is called the latent state full stop that you later grows quickly. The cancer cells go beyond adjacent issue and enter the blood and lymph. This happens they migrate to many other sites in the body where the cancer cells continue to do it. It is metastasis.

 Types of cancer : 

  • Leukaemia (Cancer of blood in which white blood cells show and abnormal increase)
  • Carcinomas (Cancer of epithelial cells). sarcomas (Cancer of connective tissue)
  • Lymphomas (Cancer of lymphatic tissues)
  • Lipomas (Cancer of adipose tissues)

 Causes of cancer : 

Some chemicals are carcinogenic or cancer-causing. these include certain chemical found in cigarette and smoke asbestos Nickel and certain dyes to maintain only a few of many substance implicated in the induction of cancer.radiation including ultraviolet rays, and X rays, can also induce cancer. Evidence for the effect of ultraviolet rays in seen in the high incidence of skin cancers in people who live in very sunny climates and appearance of cancers on the skin surface most frequently exposed to sunlight.evidence for the effect of X-rays is demonstrated by the incidence of leukaemia among radiologists, 10 times as high as among other physicians.

 Treatment : 

Treatment of X-Ray,radiation with calcium and phosphorus isotopes is useful. Vincristin and viriblastin drugs extracted from chandaniplant (vincarosea) is useful in leukaemia (blood cancer).
Immunotar getting is the latest miraculous hope for cancer this process cancerous cells may be destroyed by Uno targeting infection preparation which is a combination of anticancer drugs protein body is + radioactive substances. This work only on cancer cells but no effect on bone marrow, kidney, liver, or any other tissue. recently experiments are being made on p53 gene to activate its function which prevent cancer.