Sunday, June 6, 2021

Give Germans Their Freedom | Who was Adolf Hitler? | Why is Hitler's speech of September 1st 1939, important?

Who was Adolf Hitler?

Adolf Hitler was an Austrian born German Politician, and leader of the Nazi Party. He was Chancellor of Germany from 1933 to 1945, and dictator of Nazi Germany from 1934 to 1935.

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    In order for Germany to grow, Hitler thought the country needed more land or ' Living space'. He first annexed Austria as part of Germany, and then took over part of Czechoslovakia. This wasn't enough, however. On September 1st, 1939 Germany invaded Poland and World War II began. 

I myself am a frontline soldier and I know how grave a thing war is. I wanted to spare German people such an evil. Problem after problem I have tackled with the set purpose to make every effort to render possible a peaceful solution. 

    Hitler discovered that he was a gifted orator. His speeches were powerful. Hitler hated the Jewish people and wanted to exterminate them from Germany. He forced Jewish people to go to concentration camps where six million Jews were killed. This is known as the Holocaust- one of most terrible events in human history. 

What is the significance of Hitler's speech "My patience is now at and end?

Hitler felt that Germany needed more space to grow if it was to develop. 

    His idea was to provide this space by taking over the neighboring countries of Austria and Czechoslovakia. 

    He made this intention clear in September 1938 in a speech that he made in which he declared " My patience is not at an end".

    Hitler often worked himself, and his audiences, to a fever pitch of emotion during his orations. 

    By September 26th 1938, when he gave this speech, Germany had annexed Austria and laid claim to the area of Czechoslovakia know as the Sudetenland, where many ethnic Germans lived. " The world must take note that in four and a half years of war and through the long years of my political life there is one thing which no one could ever cast in my teeth: I have never been a coward!" 

Hitler thundered, to the approval of his audience.

Star Fact : Adolf Hitler instituted the German National Prize for Art and Science. He meant it to be an alternative to the Noble Prize, which he banned. Ferdinand Porsche, who developed the world's first hybrid car, as well as the Volkswagen Beetle, won this award.

 Why is Hitler's speech of September 1st 1939, important?

On September 1st 1939, Hitler announced his intention to invade Poland in his famous speech to the Reichstag. 

    He knew full well that this action would bring Britain and France into the war against Germany, but justified his decision in this speech. 

    Poland had already started war against Germany without a formal war declaration for several months by attacking the border guards and ethnic Germans who were fleeing from the country, pursuing them finally across the border into Germany. 

Curious Fact: D Day is the day on which the Allied Forces landed in Europe. Hitler was asleep at this critical moment, and he inspired such fear that none of his generals dared to wake him up to tell him what had happened!

    "For the first time last night, Polish military invaded our territory, and attacked from our soil. we have now been returning fire since 5:45 a.m.! And from now on, we shall repay bomb for bomb!" Hitler said in his speech. 

    "The German minorities living there are abused in harrowing ways" he added, and went on to claim "As always, I also tried here with peaceful revision proposals to bring about a change in this unbearable situation."

    He deplored that his efforts at negotiations had proved futile, and stated "There shall be no sacrifice in Germany that I would not take upon myself immediately.... As a National Socialist and German soldier, I go into this battle with a strong heart!" 

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